Electronic Scholarly Journals

by Dr. Peter B. Boyce

A talk at Université Louis Pasteur

Strasbourg, France, 29 January, 1999

Slide 1 of 27[Next]
Slide 1

The American Astronomical Society (AAS) has been publishing its most prestigious journal on line in a rich, effective format since 1995. Science magazine awarded our electronic journal a runner-up in their year end most important advance of the year for 1995. Our work has generated comment and feedback which can be used to refine the approach to electronic publishing. The author was the Executive Officer of the American Astronomical Society for 16 years, and led the Society's efforts to bring its journals electronic.

Most of the links to references which have not been put into the text may be found at the end in Slide 27.

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The 27 slides and the accompanying text are also available as a single file (38K).

Last update: 15/Feb/99