BASS 2000
Base Solaire "Sol" 2000
Solar "Ground" Database 2000


Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, France

BASS 2000 is a French solar data base project with possible extension of collaboration to other European countries.The main goals of BASS 2000 are:

The main center will be located in Bagnères de Bigorre (France) and one ``Full sun" antenna in Meudon observatory; another ``Pedagogic" antenna in Nice Observatory will be also developped in the next future.

The minimun total volume of the raw data to be stored is 250 Gigabytes/year; one half of that total volume will be provided by THEMIS. Catalogues of the data stored in BASS 2000 will be available on line via computer network and accessible also for example by a MOSAIC interface. The expected planning for BASS 2000 project is : the main center in Bagnères de Bigorre will start with THEMIS and Coronograph data up to 1998 and then the other French ground solar data will be introduced. We hope to have also codes and images processing on line in 1999 and a full run of that project in 2000. BASS 2000 project is under discussion in our French community.