% This file is part of the Elsevier LaTeX package. % ------------------------------------------------ % Version: 3 % Date: 16 November 1994 Copyright (C) 1995 by Elsevier Science. All rights reserved. IMPORTANT NOTICE: You are not allowed to change this README file. This the Elsevier LaTeX package. You need the new standard LaTeX 2e, or LaTeX version 2.09 of 14 January 1992, if you want to use it. The documentation is in the file instraut.dvi, for which you need AMSFonts v2.1. It can also be obtained as a booklet, free of charge, from the publisher. A PostScript version is also included which can be directly printed. You should have the following files: README The file you are reading now. elsart.cls The LaTeX2e class file elsart.sty The main document style for LaTeX209. Copy this to the directory where all other .sty files are. elsart12.sty The pointsize-related definitions for LaTeX209. Copy this to the directory where all other .sty files are. instraut.dvi Booklet containing instructions on how to prepare a file suitable for processing by Elsevier. instraut.ps PostScript version of the booklet