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Grid Workshop

(Organised with funds of MDA project (ACI Masses de Données))

Tuesday 7 June 2005, Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg, Grande Coupole

Registered participants


Morning session : Grids in the VO

9:30 Japanese Virtual Observatory : Achievement of its prototypes and its future prospects

Masatoshi Ohishi - NAOJ, Tokyo, Japan - (pdf)

10:10 Coffee

10:30 Using AstroGrid CEA to access compute grids

Guy Rixon - IOA, Cambridge, U.K. - (pdf)

11:10 GRID projects at INAF: Planck@EGEE, GRID.IT and DRACO

Giuliano Taffoni and Claudio Vuerli - INAF, Trieste, Italy - (pdf1) - (pdf2)

11:50 Lunch

Afternoon session : Grid experiments

13:20 Grid5000

Franck Capello - LRI INRIA Futurs, Orsay - (pdf)

14:00 GRID research at LORIA : structuring applications for scalability and ressource management

Emmanuel Jeannot - UHP Loria, Nancy - (pdf)

14:40 GRID science cases and projects in Grenoble: a pragmatic multidisciplinary view

Pierre Valiron - Observatoire de Grenoble - (pdf)

15:20 Coffee

15:40 Developments in the Metacomputing library PACX-MPI

Rainer Keller - HLRS, Stuttgart, Germany - (pdf)

16:20 Clusters and Grids in Strasbourg. A Grid proposal to mutualize resources

Romaric David - ICPS, Strasbourg - (pdf)

17:00 Discussions and conclusion

Contact : A. Schaaff, schaaff @ astro.u-strasbg.fr