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Minutes of the TELCAL kickoff meeting (May 2004)


  - NCS delegates the telescope calibration to reduction packages
  - need a telescope calibration library, perhaps inside GILDAS

"Desirable" Features
  - Re-use what is available
  - avoid duplication of efforts
  - Standardization
  - Easy maintenance

  - many actors
  - short timescales
  - Portability
  - backward compatibility (must be able to process old data)
  - new ATM version

  - per package solution ? leads to maintenance issues, and serious loss of time...
  - make a common library
        - requires to define needs and interfaces
        - requires clients to adapt to the library constraints

  - RED lifetime was 20 years...
  - Wide distribution of the library through GILDAS
  - IRAM has a record of success, which leads to high expectations
  - Failure is not an option (success is easily forgotten)

For a library, we need to define:
  - Functionalities
  - Interfaces with outside world (ATM / Reduction packages / NCS / other libraries)
  - Internal data format
  - Internal design (backend handling, fitting, ...)



- A somewhat cryptic table of the current situation is attached.

- List of desirable library functionalities:
   * Focus
   * Pointing
   * Chopper
   * Skydips
   * Sideband rejection
   * Array geometry
   * Array gains
   * Baseline 
   * Regridding
   (* Fitting maybe for specialized algorithms)

- J.Penalver is now in charge of Pointing Models for the 30m. Pointing
  models thus are outside the scope of the library at least in its first

- Language to be used: F90 with derived types, modules for at least derived
  types and definition of function interfaces.

- Goals:
   * 1st version of library should be available by end of year
     (November 2004 if possible).
   * 1st version meaning same functionalities as providing now by red:
     focus, pointing, chopper (for spectra), skydips (for spectra),
     sideband rejection
   * Priorities in library building:
       1 Focus
       2 Pointing
       3 Chopper
       4 Skydips
       5 Sideband rejection

- Work distribution:
   o Related work without timescale:
      * A.Sievers to distribute an example of 30M-FITS file with corresponding
        documentation for each back-end as soon as they become available
        starting with bolometer and then 4MHz.
      * H.Wiesemeyer to provide translation from 30M-FITS to CLASS data
      * A.Bacmann and S.Guilloteau to make a memo on bandpass calibration
        at the 30m and PdBI to take into account bandwith increase and new
        ATM possibilities.
   o Library work:
      * Small description of sideband rejection measurement at the 30m.
         => A.Sievers (ASAP)
      * Iteration on interfaces and practical derived types: 
         => J.Pety and S.Guilloteau 31.05.2004
      * Test on minimization routines (eg can we realiably use a 2-D
        minimization routine to fit a 1-D problem?):
         => S.Guilloteau 30.06.2004
      * One fully working example (focus): 
         => J.Pety and H.Wiesemeyer 30.06.2004
      * A point will then be made enabling new work distribution round.


Pointing Methods

   - least square fit
        * Input
            - lambda offsets
            - beta   offsets
            - lambda derivatives
            - beta   derivatives
            - intensities
            - weights
            - fitting shape (e.g. Gaussian,n-Gaussians)
              Parameters, Guesses, Fixed/Fitted, Boundaries???

        * Output
            - parameters
            - errors
            - quality flags

   - evalute fitted function
        * Input
            - fitting shape, parameters
            - input coord (lambda,beta)

        * Output
            - intensities

   - plotting: Fit overplotted over data for two crosses
        * Input:
            - System, Units

        * Output:
            - Screen plot

   - results for NCS
        * Input: 
            - Output of fit
            - Logging info

        * Output: 
            - XML file
            - sic procedure (OBS)

   - dealing with spillover on multi-beam receivers ?
   - start with "single-pixel" version
   - can deal with multi-pixel in two different ways
   - changing the lambda(i), beta(i) for each pixel
   - or putting the relative positions of the beams into the fitting function
   - is there a gain to be obtained by fitting a broadened beam for
     planets ?  need to evaluate that issue separately.


Focus Methods: Very similar to pointing...


Sideband Rejection: 

 - currently being done using the Martin-Pupplet settings, by coupling one
   of the sidebands with the cold load, the others with the hot load.
 - is the method accurate enough ?
 - can we rely on the  engineer tables ?
 - measurement seems to be the most accurate method, but the precision is
   unknown ?
 - should it be frequency dependent ?

First step: transfert what is currently done in RED into the library ..



   * Input:
       - El
       - sideband rejection(i)
       - RF Frequency nu(i) and Bandwidth dnu(i)
       - Signed IF Frequency
       - Hot,Cold,Sky,Offset(dark count) temperature T(i)
       - Hot and Cold Temperatures T(i) and coupling coefficients f(i)
       - Telescope specific: Pamb, Water scale height, altitude, latitude
       - Date

       Pin = fhot B(Thot) + (1-fhot) B(Tamb) = B(Teff)

   * Output:
       - Trec(i)
       - Water
       - Water and Others Zenith Opacities(i)


   * Input:
       - El
       - RF Frequency nu(i)
       - Signed IF Frequency
       - Sideband rejection
       - Set of Tamb (cabine, ground) and coupling coefficients f(i)
       - Water
       - (Interpolated) Trec(i) for dual load

   * Output
       - Tcal(i)
       - Water and Others Zenith Opacities(i) for DSB analysis



   * Input:
       - El(j)
       - sideband rejection(i)
       - RF Frequency nu(i) and Bandwidth dnu(i)
       - Signed IF Frequency
       - Hot,Cold,Offset(dark count) temperature T(i) TSky(i,j)
       - Hot and Cold Temperatures T(i) and coupling coefficients f(i)
       - Telescope specific: Pamb, Water scale height, altitude, latitude
       - Date
       - Bolometer bandpass(i)

   * Output:
       - Value and errors of Water vapour(i)
       - Value and errors of Feff(i)
       - Quality flag


Baseline 1-D

   - Fitting:
       * Input
           - Abscissa(i)
           - Ordinate(i)
           - Weights(i) (may be 0 to exclude a window)
           - Fitting shape (eg polynomial,spline)

       * Output
           - Fitted parameters
           - RMS

   - Baseline computation:
       * Input
           - Abscissa(i)
           - Fitting shape
           - Fitted parameters

       * Output
           - Baseline(i)

   - Baseline application
       * Input
           - Baseline(i)
           - Ordinate(i)

       * Output
           - Baseline(i)-Ordinate(i)


Baseline 1-D: On-Off => To be discussed later.


Baseline 2-D: spectral x time

   - Fitting:
       * Input
           - Frequency nu(i)
           - Space      x(j)
           - Ordinate   y(i,j)
           - Weights(i,j) (may be 0 to exclude a window)
           - Fitting shape:
                 * Factorized polynomials
                 * Box averaging of independant polynomials
                 * Cubic spline interpolation of independent polynomials
                 * Cubic spline interpolation of independent cubic spline
                 * sinusoidal(nu) with coefficients being polynomials(t)

       * Output
           - Fitted parameters
           - RMS

   - Baseline computation:
       * Input
           - Abscissa(i)
           - Fitting shape
           - Fitted parameters

       * Output
           - Baseline(i)

   - Baseline application
       * Input
           - Baseline(i)
           - Ordinate(i)

       * Output
           - Baseline(i)-Ordinate(i)

On-off: simultaneous fitting of background and baseline


Baseline 2-D: Spatial data => to be discussed later


Regridding 1-D

       * Input
           - Abscissa(i)
           - Ordinate(i)
           - Weights(i)
           - New reference pixel, value, increment, dimension
           - Algorithm

       * Output
           - New abscissa(i)
           - New ordinate(i)
           - New weights(i)
           - Transformation matrix for signal and weight
Comment: Special case for already regularly sampled data


Regridding 2-D

    - If it can be factorized (eg space x spectral), then use 1-D

    - Else
       * Input
           - Abscissa(i)
           - Ordinate(i)
           - Weights(i)
           - New reference pixel, value, increment, dimension
           - Algorithm

       * Output
           - New abscissa(i)
           - New ordinate(i)
           - New weights(i)
           - Transformation matrices for signal and weight

Array geometry: No consensus yet. In the first iteration of the library,
this functionality will be delivered by MOPSIC.

Gildas manager 2014-07-01