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        [GREG1\]LIMITS  [X1  X2  Y1  Y2  [Unit]]  [/XLOG]  [/YLOG] [/RGDATA]
    [/BLANKING Bval Eval] [/REVERSE [X] [Y]] [/VARIABLES Array_X Array_Y]

    Sets the coordinates of the plot region. The limits are the user coordi-
    nates  of  the  BOX  corners,  and in conjunction with the BOX_LOCATION,
    specifies the conversion formula between USER and PLOT  coordinates.  If
    LIMITS has no arguments, it will compute automatic limits. The data from
    the most recent COLUMN X and Y are used to set the limits, except if the
    /RGDATA  option is present, in which case the last read regular grid map
    is used.

    Some special characters are allowed instead of numerical values for  the
    limits :
          *   Compute automatic limit for this argument
          <   Compute automatic limit for this argument, and take
              the minimum of this value and the precedent limit.
          >   Same as above, but take the maximum.
          =   Keep the precedent value for this limit.

    An  additional  argument  can be used when a projection and a system are
    defined. It may take values
      - RADIAN : The values are assumed to be normal  projected  coordinates
        from the projection center.
      - SECOND,  MINUTE or DEGREE : The values are converted from the speci-
        fied angular unit to radians. They still represent offsets from  the
        projection center.
      - ABSOLUTE  : The values are assumed to be absolute coordinates on the
        sphere. APPROXIMATE corresponding projected coordinates are computed
        from these values (the projected coordinates are necessarily approx-
        imate since in general e.g. the upper left and lower left corner  of
        the box correspond to different absolute Right ascension for Equato-
        rial system).
    The default value is the current angle unit as defined by SET ANGLE.


Gildas manager 2014-07-01