... dictionary1
a Python dictionary is an associative array: a set of couples keys + items.
the .keys() (resp. .values()) method returns the keys (resp. the values) list of any dictionary.
... space3
it may be coded this way: def execute(string): exec(string) in globals()
... documentation4
see http://www.tramy.us
scipy and its subpackages provide a large set of mathematical functions for scientific computing. See project webpage for more informations: http://www.scipy.org
... pyclass6
the current Class was called Class90 before Feb '08
... Python7
Please note that the @ command in SIC will not raise any error even if a command fails in the procedure executed. User is expected to correct it on-the-fly, or to tune the error handling with the ON ERROR command in SIC.
... dictionary8
Technically, gdict instances have no attributes. They only have the methods __getattr__ and __setattr__ which dynamically retrieve or define the SicVar instances.
... define9
the comm() method of the Sic object or the pysic, pygreg, ... modules (depending of the calling method) sends its string argument as a command line to SIC. See subsection 2.3.2 for all the usefull methods.
... structure10
if possible. The destination value must be caste-able by the numpy.array method into a numpy.ndarray
... modified11
whereas real Python strings are immutable objects: you can not modify them inplace and have to make copies for such handlings.
... space12
This is subject to changes as long as the Gildas-Python binding is in a beta development status.
... scripts13
i.e. when executing source admin/gildas-env.sh
... function14
PyArray_FromDimsAndData() is obsolete in NumPy $\ge 1.0$. Use PyArray_SimpleNewFromData() instead.