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Fortran-90 access to images

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Fortran-90 allows definition of data structures (derived types) which are convenient to handle data structures. Data access to GILDAS files is done by reading all or part of the data into memory, using standard FORTRAN direct I/O. The header is read into a specific Fortran derived type, the gildas derived part, which has a sub-type mimicking the file header plus ancillary information re-organized for convenience. The data can be read into standard Fortran arrays. Fortran pointers are provided as placeholders for this purpose in the gildas data type for rank 1 to 4 real arrays.

The portable version of the GILDAS software makes the distinction between an image and the "incarnation" of an image subset in memory. Each image has an associated "Image Slot" (IS), while each memory part has an associated "Memory Slot" (MS). Several memory slots may corresponds to several "windows" into a single image slot.

The Fortran-90 module image_def defines the gildas derived type.

module image_def
  use gildas_def
  use gbl_format
  use gio_headers
  type :: gildas
    character(len=256)   :: file = ' '  ! File name
    type (strings)       :: char        !
    type (location)      :: loca        !
    type (gildas_header_v2) :: gil      !
    integer(kind=index_length) :: blc(gdf_maxdims) = 0       ! Bottom left corner
    integer(kind=index_length) :: trc(gdf_maxdims) = 0       ! Top right corner
    integer(kind=4) :: header = 0       ! Defined / Undefined
    integer(kind=4) :: status = 0       ! Last error code
    real,         pointer :: r1d(:)       => null()  ! Pointer to 1D data
    real(kind=8), pointer :: d1d(:)       => null()
    integer,      pointer :: i1d(:)       => null()
    real,         pointer :: r2d(:,:)     => null()  ! Pointer to 2D data
    real(kind=8), pointer :: d2d(:,:)     => null()
    integer,      pointer :: i2d(:,:)     => null()
    real,         pointer :: r3d(:,:,:)   => null()  ! Pointer to 3D data
    real(kind=8), pointer :: d3d(:,:,:)   => null()
    integer,      pointer :: i3d(:,:,:)   => null()
    real,         pointer :: r4d(:,:,:,:) => null()  ! Pointer to 4D data
    real(kind=8), pointer :: d4d(:,:,:,:) => null()
    integer,      pointer :: i4d(:,:,:,:) => null()
  end type gildas
end module image_def

The type gildas_v2 closely mimicks the actual layout of the data file, but is ** not ** identical. Some of its content are provided as convenience to handle the quantities, but are ** not ** intended to be used directly in the application programs. The ijxyz((3) (where xyz can be typ, lin, sou, sys, uni, cod) pseudo-integer arrays in particular should never be used and may disappear in future releases (or become private). They correspond to the character strings held in the derived type strings.

  type :: gildas_header_v2
     ! Spread on two blocks
     ! Block 1: Basic Header and Dimension information
     ! Trailer:
     integer(kind=4) :: ijtyp(3) = 0       !  1  Image Type
     integer(kind=4) :: form    = fmt_r4   !  4  Data format (FMT_xx)
     integer(kind=8) :: ndb     = 0        !  5  Number of blocks
     integer(kind=4) :: nhb     = 2        !  7  Number of header blocks
     integer(kind=4) :: ntb     = 0        !  8  Number of trailing blocks
     integer(kind=4) :: version_gdf = code_version_gdf_current !  9  Data format Version number
     integer(kind=4) :: type_gdf =  code_gdf_image  !  10 code_gdf_image or code_null
     integer(kind=4) :: dim_start = gdf_startdim    !  11  Start offset for DIMENSION, should be odd, >12
     integer(kind=4) :: pad_trail
     ! The maximum value would be 17 to hold up to 8 dimensions.
     ! DIMENSION Section. Caution about alignment...
     integer(kind=4) :: dim_words   = 2*gdf_maxdims+2  ! at s_dim=17  Dimension section length
     integer(kind=4) :: blan_start !! = dim_start + dim_lenth + 2   ! 18  Pointer to next section
     integer(kind=4) :: mdim    = 4        !or > ! 19  Maximum number of dimensions in this data format
     integer(kind=4) :: ndim    = 0        ! 20  Number of dimensions
     integer(kind=index_length) :: dim(gdf_maxdims) = 0     ! 21  Dimensions
     integer(kind=4) :: blan_words = 2     ! Blanking section length
     integer(kind=4) :: extr_start         ! Pointer to next section
     real(kind=4) :: bval = +1.23456e+38   ! Blanking value
     real(kind=4) :: eval = -1.0           ! Tolerance
     ! EXTREMA
     integer(kind=4) :: extr_words = 6    ! Extrema section length
     integer(kind=4) :: coor_start !! = extr_start + extr_words +2     !
     real(kind=4) :: rmin    = 0.0         ! Minimum
     real(kind=4) :: rmax    = 0.0         ! Maximum
     integer(kind=index_length) :: minloc(gdf_maxdims) = 0 ! Pixel of minimum
     integer(kind=index_length) :: maxloc(gdf_maxdims) = 0 ! Pixel of maximum
! in file:     integer(kind=8) :: mini = 0           ! Rank 1 pixel of minimum
! in file:     integer(kind=8) :: maxi = 0           ! Rank 1 pixel of maximum
     ! COORDINATE Section
     integer(kind=4) :: coor_words  = 6*gdf_maxdims   ! at s_coor  Section length
     integer(kind=4) :: desc_start  !! = coord_start + coord_words +2     !
     real(kind=8)    :: convert(3,gdf_maxdims)   !  Ref, Val, Inc for each dimension
     ! DESCRIPTION Section
     integer(kind=4) :: desc_words  = 3*(gdf_maxdims+1) ! at s_desc, Description section length
     integer(kind=4) :: null_start  !! = desc_start + desc_words +2     !
     integer(kind=4) :: ijuni(3)   = 0        ! Data Unit
     integer(kind=4) :: ijcod(3,gdf_maxdims) = 0    ! Axis names
     integer(kind=4) :: pad_desc              ! For Odd gdf_maxdims only
     ! The first block length is thus
     !	s_dim-1 + (2*mdim+4) + (4) + (8) +  (6*mdim+2) + (3*mdim+5)
     ! = s_dim-1 + mdim*(2+6+3) + (4+4+2+5+8)
     ! = s_dim-1 + 11*mdim + 23
     ! With mdim = 7, s_dim=11, this is 110 spaces
     ! With mdim = 8, s_dim=11, this is 121 spaces
     ! MDIM > 8 would NOT fit in one block...
     ! Block 2: Ancillary information
     ! The same logic of Length + Pointer is used there too, although the
     ! length are fixed. Note rounding to even number for the pointer offsets
     ! in order to preserve alignement...
     integer(kind=4) :: posi_start  = 1
     integer(kind=4) :: posi_words = 15    ! Position section length: 15 used + 1 padding
     integer(kind=4) :: proj_start         !! = s_posi + 16     ! Pointer to next section
     integer(kind=4) :: ijsou(3) = 0       ! 75  Source name
     integer(kind=4) :: ijsys(3) = 0       ! 71  Coordinate System (moved from Description section)
     real(kind=8) :: ra         = 0.d0     ! 78  Right Ascension
     real(kind=8) :: dec        = 0.d0     ! 80  Declination
     real(kind=8) :: lii        = 0.d0     ! 82  Galactic longitude
     real(kind=8) :: bii        = 0.d0     ! 84           latitude
     real(kind=4) :: epoc       = 0.0      ! 86  Epoch of coordinates
     real(kind=4) :: pad_posi
     integer(kind=4) :: proj_words = 9     ! Projection length: 9 used + 1 padding
     integer(kind=4) :: spec_start !! = proj_start + 12
     real(kind=8) :: a0      = 0.d0        ! 89  X of projection center
     real(kind=8) :: d0      = 0.d0        ! 91  Y of projection center
     real(kind=8) :: pang    = 0.d0        ! 93  Projection angle
     integer(kind=4) :: ptyp = p_none      ! 88  Projection type (see p_... codes)
     integer(kind=4) :: xaxi = 0           ! 95  X axis
     integer(kind=4) :: yaxi = 0           ! 96  Y axis
     integer(kind=4) :: pad_proj
     integer(kind=4) :: spec_words  = 14   ! Spectroscopy length: 14 used
     integer(kind=4) :: reso_start  !! = spec_words + 16
     real(kind=8) :: fres       = 0.d0     !101  Frequency resolution
     real(kind=8) :: fima       = 0.d0     !103  Image frequency
     real(kind=8) :: freq       = 0.d0     !105  Rest Frequency
     real(kind=4) :: vres       = 0.0      !107  Velocity resolution
     real(kind=4) :: voff       = 0.0      !108  Velocity offset
     real(kind=4) :: dopp       = 0.0      !     Doppler factor
     integer(kind=4) :: faxi    = 0        !109  Frequency axis
     integer(kind=4) :: ijlin(3) = 0       ! 98  Line name
     integer(kind=4) :: vtyp    = vel_unk  ! Velocity type (see vel_... codes)
     integer(kind=4) :: reso_words = 3     ! Resolution length: 3 used + 1 padding
     integer(kind=4) :: nois_start !! = reso_words + 6
     real(kind=4) :: majo    = 0.0         !111  Major axis
     real(kind=4) :: mino    = 0.0         !112  Minor axis
     real(kind=4) :: posa    = 0.0         !113  Position angle
     real(kind=4) :: pad_reso
     ! NOISE
     integer(kind=4) :: nois_words = 2     ! Noise section length: 2 used
     integer(kind=4) :: astr_start !! = s_nois + 4
     real(kind=4) :: noise   = 0.0         ! 115 Theoretical noise
     real(kind=4) :: rms     = 0.0         ! 116 Actual noise
     integer(kind=4) :: astr_words = 3    ! Proper motion section length: 3 used + 1 padding
     integer(kind=4) :: uvda_start !! = s_astr + 4
     real(kind=4) :: mura     = 0.0        ! 118 along RA, in mas/yr
     real(kind=4) :: mudec    = 0.0        ! 119 along Dec, in mas/yr
     real(kind=4) :: parallax = 0.0        ! 120 in mas
     real(kind=4) :: pad_astr
     ! real(kind=4) :: pepoch   = 2000.0     ! 121 in yrs ?
     ! UV_DATA information
     integer(kind=4) :: uvda_words  = 18+2*code_uvt_last ! Length of section: 14 used
     integer(kind=4) :: void_start  !! = s_uvda + l_uvda + 2
     integer(kind=4) :: version_uv = code_version_uvt_current  ! 1 version number. Will allow us to change the data format
     integer(kind=4) :: nchan = 0         ! 2 Number of channels
     integer(kind=8) :: nvisi = 0         ! 3-4 Independent of the transposition status
     integer(kind=4) :: nstokes = 0       ! 5 Number of polarizations
     integer(kind=4) :: natom = 0         ! 6. 3 for real, imaginary, weight. 1 for real.
     real(kind=4)    :: basemin = 0.      ! 7 Minimum Baseline
     real(kind=4)    :: basemax = 0.      ! 8 Maximum Baseline
     integer(kind=4) :: fcol              ! 9 Column of first channel
     integer(kind=4) :: lcol              ! 10 Column of last  channel
     ! The number of information per channel can be obtained by
     !       (lcol-fcol+1)/(nchan*natom)
     ! so this could allow to derive the number of Stokes parameters
     ! Leading data at start of each visibility contains specific information
     integer(kind=4) :: nlead = 7           ! 11 Number of leading informations (at lest 7)
     ! Trailing data at end of each visibility may hold additional information
     integer(kind=4) :: ntrail = 0          ! 12 Number of trailing informations
     ! Leading / Trailing information codes have been specified before
     integer(kind=4) :: column_pointer(code_uvt_last) = code_null ! Back pointer to the columns...
     integer(kind=4) :: column_size(code_uvt_last) = 0  ! Number of columns for each
     ! In the data, we instead have the codes for each column
     ! integer(kind=4) :: column_codes(nlead+ntrail)         ! Start column for each ...
     ! integer(kind=4) :: column_types(nlead+ntrail) /0,1,2/ ! Number of columns for each: 1 real*4, 2 real*8
     ! Leading / Trailing information codes
     integer(kind=4) :: order = 0          ! 13  Stoke/Channel ordering
     integer(kind=4) :: nfreq = 0          ! 14  ! 0 or = nchan*nstokes
     integer(kind=4) :: atoms(4)           ! 15-18 Atom description
     real(kind=8), pointer :: freqs(:) => null()     ! (nchan*nstokes) = 0d0
     integer(kind=4), pointer :: stokes(:) => null() ! (nchan*nstokes) or (nstokes) = code_stoke
     ! back pointers to the ref,val,inc naming convention
     real(kind=8), pointer :: ref(:) => null()
     real(kind=8), pointer :: val(:) => null()
     real(kind=8), pointer :: inc(:) => null()
  end type gildas_header_v2

Access to images is very simple. It requires only 3 steps: i) to read the header from an existing file, or to create a new header, ii) to allocate the data, iii) to read or write the data. An example is given below.

program image_example
  use image_def                                       ! 1
  use gkernel_interfaces
  logical error
  integer ier
  character*32 name1,name2
  type (gildas) :: input_image, output_image          ! 2
  real, allocatable :: dinput(:,:), doutput(:,:,:)    ! 3
  call gildas_open
  call gildas_char('INPUT$',name1)
  call gildas_char('OUTPUT$',name2)
  call gildas_close
  call gildas_null(input_image, type='IMAGE')         ! 4
  call sic_parsef (name1,input_image%file,' ','.gdf') ! 5
  call gdf_read_header (input_image,error)            ! 6
  if (error) then
    call gagout('E-IMAGE_EXAMPLE, Error opening input file')
    call sysexi(fatale)
  allocate(dinput(input_image%gil%dim(1),input_image%gil%dim(2), &
        stat=ier)                                     ! 7
  if ( then
    call gagout('e-image_example, error allocating memory')
    call sysexi(fatale)
  call gdf_read_data (input_image, dinput, error)     ! 8
  if (error) then
    call gagout('E-IMAGE_EXAMPLE, error reading input file')
    call sysexi(fatale)
  ! Create an output image
  call gdf_copy_header (input_image, output_image)    ! 9
  call sic_parsef (name2,output_image%file,' ','.gdf')! 10
  output_image%gil%ndim = 3                           ! 11
  output_image%gil%dim(1) = input_image%gil%dim(1)    ! 11
  output_image%gil%dim(2) = input_image%gil%dim(2)    ! 11
  output_image%gil%dim(3) = 4                         ! 11
  allocate(doutput(output_image%gil%dim(1), &
    output_image%gil%dim(2),output_image%gil%dim(3), &
    stat=ier)                                         ! 12
  if ( then
    call gagout('E-IMAGE_EXAMPLE, Error allocating memory')
    call sysexi(fatale)
  ! Do something with the data
  doutput(:,:,3) = dinput
  ! Write the output image
  call gdf_write_image(output_image,doutput,error)    ! 13
  if (error) then
    call gagout('E-IMAGE_EXAMPLE, Error writing output file')
    call sysexi(fatale)
  1. USE the module containing the GILDAS derived type definitions
  2. Define the input and output image headers
  3. Define the input and output data as allocatable arrays
  4. Initialize the input image header. Argument type is optional, and default to ``IMAGE''
  5. Prepare the input file name, INPUT_IMAGE%FILE
  6. Read the header to initialize the INPUT_IMAGE structure.
  7. Allocate the data. Note that it is assumed here to be a 2-D array.
  8. Read the data, using the information provided in the header structure (in particular the file name).
  9. Define the output header, here by making a copy of the input header
  10. Setup the output file name
  11. Change the output header parameters as needed
  12. Allocate the output image data
  13. Create and write the output image

The subroutines using GILDAS headers are:

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Gildas manager 2014-07-01