Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects

Details on Acronym:   B
B (Baade)
Write:<<[V62] NNN>>
Object:GlCl  (SIMBAD class: GlobCluster = Globular Cluster)
in source:M 31 = NGC 224
 Bull. Astron. Inst. Czech., 13, 180-None (1962)
  Photographic photometry of star clusters in galaxy M 31.
o<[V62] NNN> (Nos 1-140) = [H32] NNN, Nos 50 and 126 missing, N=138. (Nos 195-327) = [SN45] for (Nos 200-300)


Avoid the usage of B, prefer [V62]
Originof the Acronym: L = Found in the literature