Projects to which the CDS contributes

Virtual Observatory CDS has been participating in the Virtual Observatory endeavour since the beginning. It provides reference services and is very active in the definition of interoperability standards in the International Virtual Observatory Alliance. It leads the Euro-VO Data Centre Alliance and participates actively in the French VO.

IVOA the International Virtual Observatory
Euro-VO the European Virtual Observatory
VO-France, the Action Spécifique Observatoires Virtuels France
European projects linked to the VO:
  - The Euro-VO Data Centre Alliance, a Coordination Action of Sixth Framework Programme, led by CNRS (2006-2008)
  - VOTECH, a Design Study of the Sixth Framework Programme, led by the University of Edinburg (2005-2008)
  - AVO, the Astrophysical Virtual Observatory, led by ESO (2001-2004)
  - OPTICON, the Optical Infrared Coordination Network, led by the University of Cambridge. The first international Interoperability Working Group was led by CDS under the OPTICON FP5 Network.
Data reduction projects XMM-Newton Survey Science Center
See also previous contributions to: Hipparcos and Tycho
Currently: Planck, Herschel,
Multi-disciplinary projects with IT IDHA Images Distribuées Hétérogènes pour l'Astronomie/Distributed heterogeneous images for Astronomy (ACI GRID, 2001-2004)
MDA Masses de Données en Astronomie/Massive Data in Astronomy (ACI MD, 2003-2006)
Standards and tools Interoperability Standards
Other past projects iAstro: COST Action 283-200, 2001-2005, (see also CCMA).
PADOUE, PArtage des Données pour des Utilisations en Environnement (ACI GRID, 2002-2005)
ClassX A High Energy Source Classifier
ISAIA Interoperable Systems for Archival Information Access
GLU, Générateur de Liens Uniformes/Uniform Link Generator